
Apologies for the quality of some of the photographs contained within this blog. Our original remit was to take a picture of a pint pot, preferably with beer in it, to accompany each visit. We’ve deviated from that model and expanded on it: but I think it’s still a decent standard shot. The single pint glass seems to convey a fleeting singularity mirrored in the report it accompanies.

That said, if we can photograph details of the pub environs, that can be quite nice. I personally like to see the seasons illustrated in the pictures – notably through the quality of light during the summer months (and lack of afterwards). The changing seasons can also be conveyed by clothes that folk are wearing.

We are rather ticklish about people in our pictures, for a couple of reasons. On the one hand, I find those big photographic montages that tend to appear in local boozers somewhat sad and regrettable; again, there’s different reasons. Firstly, I’ve been coming here for thirty years and am only featured once?!? Meanwhile XXXX, he that got done for that dodgy business, him who’s never been seen since… there he is… there he is again… and there. Secondly, it’s depressing to see how much we’ve all aged (and how some of us have shuffled off). There are legal implications too, of course.

That said, and though I try and refrain as much as poss’… pictures fleetingly featuring friends and family are the ones I like most.

But this is supposed to be a record of the pubs and, though objectivity seems a far off concept in most if not all these reports: filling this blog with images of its authors isn’t something we want.

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